客户需求是Awinic 艾为存在的唯一理由 | 高素质的团队是Awinic 艾为的最大财富
上海Awinic 艾为电子技术股份有限公司创立于2008年6月,专注于数模混合、模拟、射频等IC设计,为手机、人工智能、物联网、汽车电子、可穿戴和消费类电子等众多领域的智能终端产品全面提供技术领先且高品质、高性能的IC产品。
2021年8月16日,上海Awinic 艾为电子技术股份有限公司在上海证券交易所科创板上市,证券简称:Awinic 艾为电子,证券代码:688798。
Awinic 艾为拥有超过二十年专注IC设计和管理经验的核心团队,自公司成立以来,Awinic 艾为秉持着“客户需求是Awinic 艾为存在的唯一理由,高素质的团队是Awinic 艾为的最大财富”的理念,深入了解客户需求,创新并快速将产品推向市场,为客户提供高品质和差异化的产品和服务。作为国内智能手机中数模混合信号、模拟、射频芯片产品的主要供应商之一,由Awinic 艾为电子自主研发的声、光、电、射、手五大产品线,成立至今累计拥有八百余款自主知识产权的产品已被广泛应用于国内外手机及IoT品牌终端,部分产品的性能和品质已达到业内领先水平。
Awinic 艾为电子是经由工信部认定的“集成电路设计企业”和“专精特新小巨人”企业,且被上海市政府授予“高新技术企业”、“科技小巨人企业”、“专精特新企业”等多项荣誉,多次承接国家创新基金项目、上海市软件与集成电路重点项目。公司曾连续多年获评“十大中国IC设计公司”,产品荣获“中国芯”优秀市场表现奖、“中国半导体创新产品和技术”等多项行业殊荣,Awinic 艾为芯及Awinic 艾为人的专业技术支持已获得业内各大客户的高度认可。
未来,Awinic 艾为电子将继续保持初心,持续在针尖大的地方不断超越,扎根本土、辐射全球,为海内外各大市场带来更多具有创新性和竞争力的产品和客制化的服务,致力于打造“Awinic 艾为芯•中国芯”这一坚实可靠的品牌形象。
愿景 | 在针尖大小的地方持续努力不断超越,成为世界一流的企业
使命 | 用科技的力量创造美好未来 用心为客户、员工、合作伙伴和股东创造价值
价值观 | 客户需求是Awinic 艾为存在的唯一理由 高素质的团队是Awinic 艾为的最大财富
Leading on Analog and Mixed-Signal IC in China
Meeting customer needs is awinic's only reason to exist |High-quality teams are awinic's greatest asset
Founded in June 2008, Shanghai Awinic Technology Co.,Ltd is a high-tech company focusing on high-quality and high-performance IC design of Mixed signal, analog, and RF for mobile phone, AI, IoT, automotive electronics, wearables and consumer electronics.
On August 16, 2021, Shanghai Awinic Technology Co., Ltd. was listed on the STAR Market of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Stock Name: awinic, Stock Code: 688798.
Since its establishment, awinic has held high the concept of "meeting customer needs as awinic's only reason to exist; high-quality teams are awinic's greatest asset". With profound understanding of customer needs, awinic innovates and launches new products to the market rapidly, providing customers with high-quality and differentiated products and services. awinic's core team owns over two-decade experience in IC design and management, and has set up a stringent quality assurance system since its founding. The performance and quality of some products have surpassed products of same types by the first-rate international manufacturers. At present, awinic has five product lines: Audio, LED Driver, Power Management, RF Device and Touch&Haptic. Since the establishment, more than 800 products with independent intellectual property rights are widely used worldwide mobile phones as well as IoT brands.
As a fabless IC design company, we collaborate with first-line suppliers that primarily renowned Foundries and Assembly&Test. To guarantee top quality and stable supply, awinic enforces strict quality control process for outsourced product manufacturing.
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